• LDC is a State owned entity established in 1983 through a NEC Decision No. 75/82.
  • Its (LDC’s) prime objective is to generate revenue for the Government.
  • LDC has now taken off from slumber after some years with full Board in place.
  • LDC currently progressing with its projects and programs implemented under the PIP funding support.
  • LDC need intervention funding support to rehabilitate and revitalize major cattle ranches and abattoirs in the country as per the MTDP III and AMDTP 2018-2022.
  • Other small livestock species such as:
    • pig,
    • goat,
    • sheep,
    • poultry,
    • apiculture,
    • inland fish farming and etc. need support under Agriculture Intervention Support Program. 

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