We are purpose driven and focused on achieving Key Result Areas through commitment and hard work, nevertheless, we believe that to achieve these goals, there is a great need for encompassing transparency, good governance and accountability in our line of work.

A close relationship with the Media industry is a sure pathway to promote these agendas as the Media is a tool that creates transparency, promotes accountability, and empowers people.

In this page, we will upload press statements, press releases and news articles and or links published by mainstream and social media showcasing LDC’s goals and aspirations as it drives to be in line with the National Government’s goal to take back Papua New Guinea.

Below are the available press releases:

  • 01/01/2023: Cattle enroute Central [ PDF Download
  • 15/11/2022: Pictorial – Launakalana ranch – Livestock Ministers Visit [  PDF Download  ]
  • 21/11/2022: Stories for November Supplement  PDF Download ]
  • 13/10/2022: Illegal Settlers to vacate Abattoir  [  PDF Download  ]
  • 18/08/2020: LDC Managing Director Terry Koim signs agreement as the MD for MIL looks on [  PDF Download  ]

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