The paradigm shift from short, medium- or long-term planning on Livestock Production in the country as a result of higher order policies such as MTDP III, NDAL Plan 2010 -2030 and LDC’s Corporate Plan has prompted LDC to embark on a workable initiative to beef up livestock production in Papua New Guinea.

LDC’s bid to revive the industry in line with the government’s “TAKE BACK PNG” plan would only materialize if more of the country’s genuine smallholder livestock farmers are engaged in partnership agreements, MOUs and MOAs to state the least.

In accordance with the government’s Smallholder Price Support Program facilitated by different commodity boards in different disciplines, Livestock Development Corporation Ltd under its’ price support program designed for small livestock farmers in the country has forged on to rollout this government initiative through rigorous screening, site visitation and assessment, verification of documentation as per their submission of (EOIs) Expression of Interest profiled and registered by the Project Management Unit of LDC.

EOIs submitted are then registered and goes through screening by the Project Screening Committee (PSC) of the agency prior to initial funding. Most of these projects funded under this program by the National Government is of small scale.

Hence, projects of economic significance and those who have the potential for expansion are then registered and funded after eligibility requirements are met by the National Government’s implementing agency – Livestock Development Corporation Ltd.

LDC Management and the Board have applauded the Marape Rosso Government of spearheading this vital government policy directive which has impacted the lives of millions of farmers in the country. Many submissions have been received and registered but those who meet and qualify standards are eventually successful in securing their support grants which would boost the industry and add new lease of life to their projects.

This program would add value, hasten up production thus raising revenue to new heights with good returns.

A summary of funding allocation for LDC include:

  • LDC was allocated K6 million from the K50 million Agriculture Intervention & Price Support Program under Marape/Basil Government. Another K10 million was allocated to LDC and include:
    • Rice - K 5 million
    • Apiculture – K 1 million
    • Small Livestock – K 1 million
    • Citrus – K 1 million
    • Sepik Project - K 1 million and
    • Land Reclamation and Valuation – K 1 million
  • LDC to date expended approx. K4, 472, 074.53 from the K6 million allocation. The balance of K1, 527, 925.47 is yet to spend on smallholder farmers and cooperatives.

  • From the K10 million, LDC spent K573, 905.64 and the balance of K9, 426, 094.36 will be expended on projects in the coming months.

  • LDC is currently working closely with the farmers, districts and provincial governments in partnership through MOU/MOA arrangements to rehabilitate the livestock industry.   

Some of the Agiculture Projects include:

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