Revival and expansion of the livestock industry is paramount including the apiculture sector through a sustainable and commercially viable approach solely depend on proper consultation and execution of planned work. 

Construction and commissioning of the Sialum Cattle Buying Port Facility in the Saboro Valley of Sialum, Tewai Siassi District in Morobe Province would benefit thousands of people in Sialum and neighbouring Finchafen as well. This project was accomplished through sheer hard work and planning extracted from realistic information and other recommendations sourced from site visitation, consultative meetings and research.

Tapping into cattle business with information upgrade to embrace change in the livestock industry is important for a change which would impact the lives of the marginalised, destitute and those on the fringes of society.

LDC signed MOU with Tewai-Siassi Cattle Farmers Cooperative of Sialum and presented a K100,000.00 cheque plus a vehicle (Toyota Utility). Logistics arrangement for transportation of cattle from Sialum to Erap and other cattle ranches is currently in progress. Thus, LDC will provide market to Sialum Cattle Farmers.


Over a decade ago, the company’s huge overhead costs, depreciated farm assets further compounded by disease invasion of LDC’s main farms such as Urimo and Launakalana resulted in farms not operating to expectation. Most of these large farms have either decimated or ceased to operate or even operated below the productive capacity because of issues such as privatisation, landowner issues, management and or policy and resource support.

This trend hasn’t changed for the last decade until the current government (Marape Basil) under the leadership of Hon James Marape MP prioritised the SME sector to alleviate poverty and improve the livelihood of millions of Papua New Guineans who are still struggling to make ends meet.

Photo: LDC Technical Team getting ready for Sialum Trip with MD giving the final orders. 

Furthermore, under this government; it is predicted to change at a conservative rate of 5% per annum.

Nonetheless, the Sialum Project is of utmost value, thus the establishment of the Cattle Buying Port will benefit thousands of smallholder cattle farmers from Tewai Siassi District which would eventually benefit the neighbouring Finchafen and Kabwum Districts.

From records, it is evidently clear that farmers have walked cattle for weeks and even months through harsh conditions to reach Lae in search of market. This will be history as LDC pushes on to build the buying facility.


Increase in meat demand is currently met by meat imports at an approximate cost of K140 million a year, hence, this is projected to increase even further as the population increases. Moreover, consistent and continual government intervention are crucial for expansion and re-development of the livestock industry. 

The urgency to revamp the livestock sector has prompted LDC to forge on and invest in Sialum’s Cattle Buying Facility which would eventually increase productivity and output to meet future demand for meat. 


Saboro Valley is few kilometres away from Sialum Station. The Valley is owned by ELCPNG and through rigorous negotiations, the church has consented to lease LDC and TSDDA the land to set up the buying port through a MOU.

Witnessed by thousands of cattle farmers in Sialum, the ceremony was peacefully done to allow development to take place on this land.

Photo:Surrounding Community helping out with site clearance and gathering food for LDC team. 

Rearing of cattle in this part of the Momase region is immense thus Livestock Development Corporation Ltd has forged on with the consent of ELCPNG and Tewai Siassi DDA to setup this important facility to help farmers reach the market at their doorstep.

The urgency to complete the project at Saboro Valley at Sialum was a race with time after the formalisation of MOU with TSDDA, ELCPNG and LDC prior to its commissioning in mid-October.

The most exotic livestock currently being reared were brought in by missionaries in the 1900s and thereafter by the colonial administrators.

Presumably, there are well over 12,000 to 15,000 cattle in Sialum alone at present although no proper assessment is in place to substantiate this fact.

After seeing this untapped potential Sialum had, Hon John Simon (Minister) launched this Cattle Buying Facility whilst on a ministerial trip to Kanome, Sialum on the 20th of February to officiate Cocoa Board’s Development Plan.


To implement this government policy directive, LDC has purchased a new vehicle, Toyota Landcruiser for Sialum Cattle Farmers Intervention Program at the cost of K193,000.00. A further K800,000.00 was used to purchase materials from Atlas Steel, Leon hardware, Puma Energy, Bishop Brothers and others for the construction of the stockyard at Saboro and construction of the cattle loading jetty at Sialum Village.


Boundary Fence, Divisional and Sub Divisional Fence is now complete and is ready for allowing cattle to be reared. Fence around the forcing yard at Sialum Jetty where cattle will stay is complete as well. Prior to cattle being shipped out, the Cattle Loading Jetty at Sialum Village, Tewaii Siassi DSistrict, Morobe Province. 


All the locals were engaged on casual basis to complete most of these tasks. Fencing, welding, cement mixing, brick laying and all other stuff were supervised by LDC staff but villagers and senior village leaders had a hand in to organise people in all these construction work on both Saboro and Cattle Loading Jetty at Sialum.

Furthermore, feeding and tethering of cattle awaiting shipment are now taken care of by 15 able bodied young strong men. They lead them out every day for them to graze and lead them back to the yard after they are done with grazing.

This is the 4th week now after they were moved from the different farms and are now in LDC’s custody

Installation of Solar Lights at the project site were done by Kolumbai Investments limited at Sialum and saboro as well.

Another set of solar light was erected on the Sialum Village Church grounds where the peace ceremony was held. This peace reconciliation among two tribes fighting over ownership of land at saboro Valley paved way for LDC to continue operations.


A total of 600 herds of cattle is anticipated to be purchased by Livestock Development Corporation in Sialum as per the boards’ resolution and ministerial directive. For the start, a total of 273 herds of steers, dry cows and bulls are being rounded up and have been stocked at Sialum Loading Jetty and Sugunum and kambikiye Villages awaiting shipment. A uniform purchase price of K1500.00 is set to be paid to all the farmers who have cattle in LDC’s custody.

A total of 27 herds of cattle are to be purchased which would total up to 300 as planned by LDC.

The proposition by LDC to facilitate market accessibility for its smallholder farmers in line with its intervention rollout was a success as construction is nearing completion.


Market access for Sialum Cattle Farmers is the primary objective of this port establishment. This facility would minimise the hardships faced by Sialum farmers in the last 50 years of cattle farming.

It is evident that farmers have walked cattle for weeks or even months in search of market. This market setup by LDC on their doorstep has been applauded by thousands of farmers from all over Tewai Siassi District. Neighbouring Finchafen and Kabwum will also benefit immensely from this facility.

Importantly, this impact project is fitting for these farmers; especially this would enable them to share, recommend, propose and optimise workable strategies to further increase production capacity at their level.

Sialum farmers have embraced this setup and LDC anticipates increased productivity as this doorstep service would alleviate poverty and other associated problems.


The primary objective of this project is to bridge the gap in the market chain and thus addressing it would benefit thousands of other farmers in Sialum.

The proposition by LDC to intervene in the creation of this market facility/port at Sialum would help genuine cattle farmers and others nationwide who share the same vision to optimise design, develop and implement improved business processes through a sustainable and commercially viable approach for high returns and also enable LDC to open up markets similar to Sialum.


Fostering partnership arrangements (Church-Government or NGO) to enhance government policy directives in the livestock sector will be centred on LDC information database which would provide a catalyst to overcome hurdles in rearing domestic livestock production.

Data to quantify and verify actual status of cattle for effective information flow for further engagements is paramount. The demise of research and development centres for continued productivity assessment, growth parameters, research and development impede the sustainability of livestock industry’s production.

LDC recognises the crucial role of inclusive and efficient farm groups who would empower others economically and socially and create sustainable rural development through business models that are resilient to economic and environmental shocks.

Cattle farmers in every sphere of economic activity need to frame appropriate operative policies that would benefit themselves in cattle business.


LDC is on the ground now to purchase cattle from all the cattle farmers at Sialum. The preparatory work is 100% complete and LDC officers namely, Kara and Darol are on the ground and with the help of project managers of different respective farms are facilitating this program.

To start the project at Sialum, head office staff and LDC staff at Erap were mobilised and sailed to Sialum with all the materials on board MV Sulu Express. New Toyota Ute BGE 045 bought for Sialum project was also loaded onto the vessel for shipment.

Six solar lights have been set up by Kolumbai Investments and a holding yard of 60 hectares is complete and now setting up loading ramp at the old Sialum Jetty.

After the completion of this project, an official opening and commissioning program on site would be arranged and will be officiated by the Minister.

As per the management’s directive, an officer will be appointed to be sent to Tewai Siassi District to oversee projects there.

Copyright © 2023, The Livestock Development Corporation (LDC). All Rights Reserved.